Why Are We Doing This?
To create something with the community we come from. Whether you know us or not. Our home has been sector 9 for quite sometime. We feel its necessary to create something that future generations can look back on. We don’t want the future to miss out on our physical presence on this earth.
How Much Will The Magazine Cost?
Free! We plan to pass these out after special STS9 shows. If we had leftover to mail to those that couldn’t attend we would only ask a buck to cover shipping.
What Kind Of Stories?
We are hoping to hear your true accounts of travel, show debauchery, found love, the whole gambit. Let us tell the “true” story of beautiful strangers coming together and have their lives changed by a band we like to call Sector 9.
What Kind Of Art?
Your Art! Digital, Paintings, Poems,Photography, etc. What Is Art?
I’m not an artist or a writer but I want to help!
Awesome! Hit us up! We need help spreading the word that this magazine will be coming into existence. Tell Your Mom, Dad, Newborn Child about this magazine. They probably have the best stories to tell.
When Is The deadline?
April 20th